Mexican Riviera Cruise

November 5 - 12, 2022

Sometime last year, Terry and I and our friend Andrea were talking about taking a three day cruise to Ensenada, Mexico. And then we mentioned the idea to our friends Steve and Guillermo, and Robert and Aisha, who were also interested in going. So we started looking online, and in the process of looking up Ensenada cruises, we discovered seven day Mexican Riviera cruises at very attractive prices. And before we knew it, the three day cruise had become a seven day cruise, and everyone was happy except Andrea, who wasn't there when this happened, and didn't want to spend the extra money on the longer cruise. We made our apologies to Andrea, we're planning a three day Ensenada cruise with her in September 2023.

The trip not only expanded in terms of number of days, but of number of people. Guillermo invited his friend David, and his friend Sofia and her husband Danny. And Aisha invited her nephew Ali and his wife Darnisha. So we ended up as a party of eleven:

Front, left to right: Guillermo, Terry, me.
Back, left to right: Danny, Sofia, David, Darnisha, Steve, Robert, Aisha, Ali

We already knew David, Sofia and Danny, but we had never met Ali and Darnisha. They proved to be a delightful couple, and we hope to see more of them in the future.

As always, you'll see this symbol scattered throughout: (w). Those symbols are links to Wikipedia articles giving more in depth information about places we went and things we saw, for those who are interested.

For this trip log, I'm again doing an alternate version with additional descriptions of the pictures, for all our blind and visually impaired friends. In this version of the log, every picture is followed by a caption describing the picture, unless the picture is adequately explained in the text.

Click here for the standard trip log, or here for the version with extra descriptions.

See pictures from other trips